do more things that make you forget to check your phone

The past few weeks, as my life has slowed down (somewhat!) since I finished my dissertation, I have been finding myself doing more. By doing more, I mean, doing more “life” with my family (without feeling the pressure of writing yet another paper!), watching a movie until the very end, planning meals for the week, being still… What I am realizing in these moments, is that despite having “relatively” slower schedule, I am not checking my phone as frequently for updates.

If you know me, you know that I am VERY connected to social media professionally and personally and I have found that this has been an outlet for me to stay connected despite my busy schedule. Yet, as I think about what makes me feel the most connected to others, it is not staying current with what is happening in the world, it is finding more moments where I am connecting with what and who is in my life.

I have been challenged to think about how I can do more and be more in my personal life so that I can be the best for those that I serve. A few things that I am challenging myself on (daily/weekly) are below:

-eat more dinners with my family during the week

-read at least one chapter in a book every week

-change up my running routine to explore new workouts like rowing and spin!

-weekly organize an area of my house to keep, pass on or throw away items that I no longer need



-be still

Life isn’t perfect, but I am willing to make changes in my life to live out what I believe to be true.

If you had to make a change, what would your change be? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


4 thoughts on “do more things that make you forget to check your phone

  • Congratulations on completing your dissertation and “doing more.” Best of luck on your final defense if you have not already defended.

    • Thank you! I have already defended and I am eagerly awaiting graduation this spring!


  • Congrats on your PHD.

    Remember the quality of the connections we have in life are much more important than the quantity of connections we make. Quality time with a few great connections is a rewarding experience.

    • Hi Duane,

      Thank you for your reply! I couldn’t agree with you more; quality over quantity.

      All the best,


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